A question for Green Party supporters
As the Green Party seem to be gaining in popularity many people have taken a look at the parties policies and in the past some people have questioned if the parties more high-profile members are really...
View ArticleI want to have EVEL
Mr Hague has joined the ranks of people who have tried to solve the West Lothian question and predictable upset quite a few people. As bits of the United Kingdom get more and more devolved powers the...
View ArticleTechnologically clueless
Once more our glorious leaders have demonstrated to the world that they are what was once known as cluebait. Sadly this is an all to common occurrence, which is a problem given how much they bang on...
View ArticleBy their supporters shall you know them
There is a theory going around amongst people of my acquaintance that the best way to judge a political party is by looking at who supports them. Now I think this is nonsense as political parties don’t...
View ArticleOf Flags and Chavs and charters
Once more it seems Labour are in the news for thinking that flying the English flag is racist, now the article concerned is an old one but signs are the view it expresses isn’t. Though of course the...
View ArticleMoney for old votes
As the election draws ever closer once more come the exhortations to vote tactically to keep this party or that party out of power. The numerous articles telling us all how for many of us the seats are...
View ArticleUK politics in 60 seconds
To me the one defining feature of this general election campaign has been how little there is to choose between any of the parties, the main parties are the most obvious example of this but even the...
View ArticleThe Irony of Runnymede
Spiked have been running an excellent series of articles and held a fantastic talk in the run up to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. The video of the talk is well worth your time to watch, and I’d...
View ArticleJeremy Corbyn joined up thinking
As Mr Corbyn seems to be terribly popular amongst many people I know and the wider populace this bit of joined up thinking of his has left me terrible amused. It seems that Mr Corbyn is all for...
View ArticleBrexit means….
As we’ve all been repeatedly told “Brexit means Brexit” – which is of course utterly meaningless. Though if it is taken to simply mean that the current Government (Or at least Mrs May) is committed to...
View ArticleSome simple thoughts on Brexit
The recent court ruling that Parliament must be consulted before article 50 is triggered has caused something of a kerfuffle, and many learned people have written many learned words on the matter. Some...
View ArticleNever let a good crisis go to waste
It’s been a terribly busy year in politics in the UK, and whilst we’ve all been busy worrying about Brexit and the US elections our glorious masters have been quietly getting on with business. Doing...
View ArticleNice speech shame about the research
The Scottish MP and darling of the left Mhari Black MP recently made a speech bemoaning the fact that ‘We can afford to pay for Palaces but not pensions’. Which is all very stirring but it would seem...
View ArticleA letter to my MP on the matter of Brexit
Having told anyone that would listen that they should write to their MP, I thought I really should do the same – here’s what I wrote. names have been changed to protect the guilty. If you haven’t...
View ArticleA Rambling observation on recent events
A new president of the United States of America has just taken office, and this event seems to have caused some people to lose the plot. I can understand why many people are worried about the actions...
View ArticleAnother day, another terror attack
This week has been London’s turn to be the latest target of Islamic terrorist activity, and all of the usual platitudes and nonsense has been wheeled out. Exactly the same as last time and the time...
View ArticleThe Glorious 29th
Today has seen the UK give notice to the EU that we intend to leave their club. This doesn’t mean that anything at all has changed today, only that the long and complex process of leaving the EU can...
View ArticleFrom hashtag to witch hunt #MeToo
It’s now just under a month since the #MeToo hashtag took off. Amongst my friends this happened shortly after someone moved from a bit dodgy to violence. The initial idea that people post if they had...
View ArticleThe wonderful world of newspeak
I think this week I may have to finally give up on hoping for any coherence or consistency when it comes to politics. Now obviously I gave up on that years ago with the press and politicians but I...
View ArticleAlternate movies
I’ve just come across an article written by Fintan O’Toole for the Irish Times where he posits that Trial runs for fascism are in full flow. Now I’m sure Mr O’Toole is probably far better informed than...
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